Monday, March 13, 2006

Working with Photo Shop Elements 4.0

Spent an hour or so working on this. It's not great, but did allow me to discover that the tools I've used in PS 6.0 are in Elements and in many ways easier.

Not necessarily easy. But I would say that if you're not afraid to explore with new software you'll be up to speed pretty quick.

There are more features I want to check out before I make my buy or not decision.

The slide show one has aroused my curiousity.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Finally, a decent moon shot!

Took some time tonight to play with my manual settings on my Canon S2 IS. This was done using 12X optical plus zoom extender, plus digital zoom. Overall, more than 48X. Then into Picasa2...added some sharpening, contrast and here's the result. Pretty cool huh?!

I've had a high school student contact me for a project interview. The first question is what process do you go through for inspiration? I'm hard pressed to say that I ever lack inspiration. I don't have enough time to photograph what want! What about you? Posted by Picasa