Thursday, March 23, 2006

Spring Time Snow

They said it would snow, but I really doubted it.

As you can see I was wrong. Left home for work early so I could drive by flowering trees I had scouted out previously in hopes of shooting this weekend. This was too good to pass up!

The close up of the redbud is not enhanced. I wonder if it is a hybrid?

Shot in the park.

Just some green "weed" in the lawn. I suppose I'll have to "dispose" of it soon or the neighbors may tar and feather me!

Lovely statue in the park.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Way Cool Shot

Shot from my nephew. He and his family are stationed on the Azores. He is an excellent photographer! I'd love to say I taught him everything he knows. But in reality it was his Dad that got him started. And allot of hard work on his own to hone his talent. Check out the link in this post and the other in my favorites.

It was his Dad that got me started too. Amazing how a little interest and support to a young person can affect a life.

Thanks Frank! Rest easy.