Spring Time Snow

They said it would snow, but I really doubted it.
As you can see I was wrong. Left home for work early so I could drive by flowering trees I had scouted out previously in hopes of shooting this weekend. This was too good to pass up!
The close up of the redbud is not enhanced. I wonder if it is a hybrid?
Shot in the park.
Just some green "weed" in the lawn. I suppose I'll have to "dispose" of it soon or the neighbors may tar and feather me!
Lovely statue in the park.
These are lovely - glad you made the time to get these shots.
Wonderful contrasts in the photos.
I keep waiting for spring but these photos remind me that the momentary warm days do not mean that spring is here
These are beautiful, jll. There is something about the contrast of snow on flowers that is just lovely.
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